How to cook periwinkles: step-by-step guide to do it right

How to cook periwinkles

The periwinkles also known as snails are a delicious and nutritious seafood that can be enjoyed in many different ways.

In this article, we will show you how to cook periwinkles and give you some tips and tricks so you can enjoy this seafood in its maximum splendor.

What are periwinkles?

Periwinkles are a species of mollusk which is commonly found on the coasts of Spain. They are small, oval in shape, and have a hard shell that protects their tender and tasty meat.

Despite their small size, periwinkles are a delicacy in many regions of Spain, especially in Galicia and Andalusia.

What do periwinkles taste like?

Periwinkles have a flavor subtle and delicate, with a slight touch of the sea. Its texture is firm but tender, similar to that of squid or clams.

They are great to enjoy alone, but can also be used in a variety of dishes, such as paellas, soups, and stews.

How to cook periwinkles correctly?


  • Periwinkles
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Laurel (optional)

Steps to follow

Before cooking the periwinkles, it is important clean them well. You can do this by leaving them in salt water for a few hours. This will help them expel sand or any other debris they may have inside.

Once clean, place the periwinkles in a large pot.. Add water to cover them and add a good amount of salt. You can also add some bay leaves to give them a touch of extra flavor.

Bring the water to a boil. Once the water is boiling, reduce the fire medium and let the periwinkles cook for about 10-15 minutes.

After this time, remove the periwinkles from the heat and let them cool in their own broth. This will help them absorb more flavor.

Once cooled, the periwinkles are ready to enjoy. You can eat them alone, with a little lemon, or use them in your favorite recipes.

Errors to avoid when cooking periwinkles

Although cooking periwinkles is a fairly simple process, there are some mistakes you should avoid to ensure you get the best results. Here we leave you some of them:

Cooking periwinkles too long

One of the most common mistakes when cooking periwinkles is leaving them in the boiling water for too long. This can cause the meat to become tough and rubbery, instead of tender and succulent.

Remember that periwinkles are small and do not need much time to cook. Generally, 10-15 minutes is enough.

Not cleaning the periwinkles properly before cooking

Another common mistake is not cleaning the periwinkles well before cooking. Like other shellfish, periwinkles can contain sand and other debris inside.

To avoid this, It is important to leave them in salted water for a few hours before cooking. This will help the periwinkles expel any debris they may have.

Recipes with periwinkles

Periwinkles are very versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. Here we leave you some ideas:

Periwinkles with garlic

This is a simple and delicious recipe that highlights the flavor of periwinkles. Just skip the cooked periwinkles in a little olive oil with minced garlic and chilli. Serve with some fresh bread to dip in the juice.

Seafood paella with periwinkles

Periwinkles are also a great addition to seafood paella. Simply add the cooked periwinkles to your paella along with other seafood such as clams, mussels and shrimp.


Periwinkles are delicious and nutritious seafood which can be enjoyed in many different ways.

Cooking periwinkles is a fairly simple process but it is important to take into account some tips and avoid certain mistakes to obtain the best results.

We hope that this article has given you all the information you need to cook periwinkles correctly and enjoy this delicacy at its best. Enjoy!

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