Discover how to treat and overcome neck and head pain

neck and head pain

If you have severe neck and head pain and don’t know what to do, follow the steps in this guide and you will be able to get back to your life in no time.

He neck and head pain It is a common ailment that affects numerous people in Spain and around the world. This condition can limit the quality of life of those who suffer from it, preventing them from carrying out their daily activities normally.

However, with a proper understanding of its causes, symptoms and treatments, it is possible to manage and relieve this pain. Below is a comprehensive guide to neck and head pain to help those who suffer from it.

What is neck and head pain?


He neck and head pain It is not just a simple discomfort, but it presents as a complex symptom that results from tensions, injuries or imbalances in the cervical area. These discomforts in the neck can manifest with radiation that ascends towards the head, sometimes triggering tension headaches or more severe migraines.

In many circumstances, this discomfort is not an isolated condition, but rather a sign indicating the existence of deeper conditions in the structure of the neck.

This can include problems such as herniated discs – which involve the intervertebral discs -, cervical osteoarthritis – a wear and tear of the cartilage and bones of the neck – or simply consequences of maintaining incorrect postures for prolonged periods.


When we talk about neck and head pain, we refer to a series of symptoms that, although varied, are interconnected. A sharp, stabbing pain is felt in the cervical region that may be accompanied by a feeling of stiffness or lack of mobility in the neck.

But it doesn’t stop there: this pain can spread, projecting towards the head and triggering migraines, a feeling of heaviness and, in some cases, episodes of dizziness.

Beyond pain, some individuals report blurred vision or a feeling of “having their head in the clouds.” It is essential to understand that the level of pain and its manifestations can vary greatly between people, from mild discomfort to symptoms that restrict daily activity.

Causes of neck and head pain

incorrect posture

In the digital age in which we find ourselves, one of the predominant causes of neck and head pain It is, without a doubt, the inappropriate position. Spending hours sitting in front of the computer, with the neck bent and the back hunched, or the constant habit of looking down when using the cell phone, generates continuous tension in the muscles and structures of the neck.

This repetitive and prolonged tension can result in imbalances and ailments that affect both the cervical and head.

Injuries and accidents

Trauma is another common cause that should not be overlooked. Whiplash, frequently associated with traffic accidents, can generate a series of micro-injuries to the tissues of the neck that, in the long term, lead to pain and discomfort.

Furthermore, it’s not just car accidents that are to blame; Injuries resulting from sports practices or even small domestic accidents, such as falls, can have consequences on cervical health.

Other causes

The universe of causes of neck and head pain It is vast. Beyond postures and injuries, emotional elements such as stress play a fundamental role.

Chronic stress leads to sustained muscle tension that affects the neck and, therefore, the head. To this, we must add specific medical conditions, such as herniated discs that press on nearby nerves or the aforementioned cervical osteoarthritis.

Treatments and remedies


When it comes to neck and head pain, the first resource that many seek is pharmacological relief. There are various medications that, under prescription or medical advice, can help control pain.

Analgesics are useful for relieving acute pain, while anti-inflammatories reduce inflammation in the affected area. In some cases, especially if the pain is linked to muscle tension, muscle relaxants can help.

However, it is always imperative that before starting any drug treatment, a medical consultation is carried out. Only a professional will be able to indicate the medication and the appropriate dose for each case.

Natural medicine

Beyond drugs, there is a vast array of natural remedies that promise relief. Cold compresses, for example, can help reduce inflammation, while hot compresses relax the muscles.

Therapeutic massages performed by experts They can relax and relieve tension. Relaxation techniques, ranging from deep breathing to meditation, can be of great help in cases where stress is a determining factor.

Phytotherapy is also presented as an option, with herbs such as valerian, known for its relaxing properties, or harpagofito, traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory benefits.

Physiotherapy and exercises

Physiotherapy stands as one of the fundamental pillars in the treatment of neck and head pain. A trained physical therapist can offer specific techniques that not only relieve pain but also prevent its recurrence.

Through manual therapies, electrotherapy and other techniques, the physiotherapy seeks to recover the functionality and mobility of the neck. Along with this, the implementation of exercise routines aimed at stretching and strengthening the cervical muscles can make a notable difference in the quality of life of those who suffer from this type of ailments.

Recommendations and prevention

Maintain good posture

Prevention, they say, is better than cure. And in the case of neck and head pain, this couldn’t be more true. Posture, as already mentioned, plays an essential role. It is vital to be fully aware of how we sit, how we work and how we interact with our electronic devices.

Simple adjustments, such as keeping your computer screen at eye level or using phone holders, can make a difference. Ergonomics becomes our ally, providing tools and advice to adopt postures that not only prevent pain, but also improve our quality of life.

Medical consultation

The importance of a medical consultation should never be underestimated. If symptoms persist or worsen, seeing a doctor is essential. Depending on the case, the intervention of a traumatologist specialized in the spine may be required, a neurologist to rule out problems related to the nervous system or a physiotherapist who addresses the problem from a rehabilitative approach.

Avoid stress

Although stress is an inevitable part of modern life, Learning to manage it is crucial for our cervical health. Yoga, with its postures and breathing techniques, not only helps us relax, but also strengthens and stretches our muscles.

Meditation, for its part, allows us to focus on the present and release accumulated tensions. Dedicating a few minutes a day to these practices can result in notable relief and prevention of neck and head pain.


The neck and head pain It is an ailment that can have multiple causes and degrees of severity. However, with the right information and the right approach, it is possible to relieve and manage pain.

Adopting healthy habits, maintaining correct posture and regularly consulting health professionals are key to keeping this pain at bay.

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