If you suffer from crow’s eye on the foot, before doing anything, read this

crow's eye foot

Hardness, corns, calluses… Crow’s eye is a functional and aesthetic problem that is worth knowing well. Don’t miss this complete guide!

He crow’s eye foot It is a common condition that affects many people in Spain and around the world. It is a hardened area of ​​the skin that usually appears on the sole of the foot or between the toes. If you have ever noticed a small painful bump while you were walking, You may have had a crow’s eye on your foot.

In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about this problem: from its causes to how to get rid of it.

What is Rooster’s Eye?

The crow’s eye foot so feared by many, is nothing more than a special type of callus that tends to manifest itself in specific places on our feet: mainly on the sole or even between the toes.

Although we might think that all corns are the same, the reality is that crow’s eye on the foot has characteristics that clearly distinguish it. Firstly, it is usually smaller in size, which does not mean it is less annoying.

In addition, it has a central core that, when pressed, can generate pain ranging from moderate to extremely intense. It is like a small stone that, when we walk, constantly reminds us of its presence, affecting our quality of life and the simple act of walking.

Why Does Rooster’s Eye Appear on the Feet?

The origin of crow’s eye on the feet It is varied and is usually the result of a combination of different factors. One of the most common causes is pressure and friction held in a specific area of ​​the foot.

Imagine wearing shoes that are narrow, or that do not properly adapt to the shape of your foot for hours; This constant pressure or friction can be the beginning of the appearance of this type of callus.

The foot deformities such as bunions or hammertoes can not only be painful in and of themselves, but can also be a risk factor for developing crow’s eye. On the other hand, we must not forget the genetics. Like other aspects of our health, the predisposition to develop crow’s eyes on our feet may be written in our genes.

Common Symptoms

Recognizing crow’s eye in its early stage can help you treat it before it becomes a bigger problem. The symptoms most common that you may experience are a noticeable pain when walking, especially when applying pressure to the affected area.

This is not a fleeting pain, but is usually persistent and can affect your walking pace. If you look at your foot, you may notice a hardened zone that feels different from the rest of the surrounding skin. This area may be accompanied by dry or rough skin. But the distinctive sign is the Central core of the callus, which can be observed when examining it closely or when trying to cut it.

Why is it called “Rooster’s Eye”?

It’s natural to wonder why this condition has been given such a peculiar name. While it might sound strange, the term “rooster’s eye” It has no relation to these animals. Instead, the nomenclature is mainly due to their physical appearance.

If you stop to look at it, you will notice that it resembles a small eye due to that central nucleus mentioned above. And the word “rooster”, beyond any real similarity, has been added by linguistic and cultural traditions in various regions, giving the term a familiar and easily recognizable touch.

How to Get Rid of Crow’s Eye on the Foot

Fortunately, there are solutions For those who suffer from crow’s eye on the foot. From home treatments based on natural ingredients to professional interventions performed by podiatrists, the options are varied. However, it is essential act with caution.

If you decide to try a home remedy, make sure it does not cause irritation or any unwanted side effects. And if the problem persists or worsens, do not hesitate to consult a specialist. After all, our feet are a fundamental part of our body, and they deserve to be carefully cared for. If you want more specific information on how to address this problem, I recommend visiting how to remove a crow’s eye where you’ll find helpful tips and proven techniques.


The crow’s eye foot It is a common condition that can cause discomfort and pain. Although its name may seem strange, it is a specific callus with particular characteristics.

Prevention, the use of appropriate shoes and regular foot care They are essential to prevent their appearance. If you have already developed one, there are several solutions at your disposal to deal with it. Take care of your feet and stay free of crow’s eyes!

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