What do bears eat: food of the largest land predator


What do bears eat?

Bears are fascinating and enigmatic animals, whose eating habits may surprise more than one. In this article, we will explore what bears eat, their characteristics, habitats, and curiosities related to their diet.

How much do you know about bears?

The bear is a mammal which belongs to the family of ursids. There are several species of bears distributed in different parts of the world, with varied characteristics and habitats. Despite their differences, all bears share certain common traits, such as their strong constitution, thick fur and powerful claws.

Characteristics and peculiarities of bears

Bears are large animals, weighing between 60 and 600 kilograms, depending on the species. Are excellent swimmers and tree climbers and they have a acute sense of smell which allows them to detect food and dangers at long distances. Additionally, bears can be both lonely as sociable depending on the species and circumstances.

Bears in Spain

In Spain, you can find two populations of Brown bears (Ursus arctos), located in the Cantabrian Mountains and in the Pyrenees. These bears are protected by law due to their vulnerable status and ecological importance.

Bear eating habits

Bears are animals omnivores, which means that they feed on both plants and animals. A bear’s diet varies depending on the species and the region in which it lives. Next, we will describe what bears eat at different stages of their life and how they adapt to their habitats to obtain food.

Bear diet according to their age

Newborn bears feed exclusively on breastmilk during the first months of life. As they grow, they begin to incorporate solid foods into their diet, such as fruit, vegetables, insects, fish and meats. The proportion of these foods varies depending on the species and the availability of resources in its habitat.

Caloric consumption and amounts of food

Bears require a large amount of calories to maintain your energy and carry out your daily activities. An adult bear can consume between 20,000 and 30,000 calories per day, depending on the species and size of the individual. This is equivalent to about 20-40 kg of food per day, although this amount may vary depending on the time of year and the availability of resources.

Feeding after lethargy

Bears experience a period of lethargy during the winter, during which they reduce their activity and food consumption. Upon awakening from this torpor, bears are in great need of regaining energy and nutrients. During this phase, your diet usually consists of tender shoots, leaves, fruits, insects and carrion among other foods.

Hunting and the smell of bears

The bears are opportunistic hunters and use their powerful sense of smell to detect prey at long distances. Although they are not specialized hunters, they can capture animals such as fish, birds and mammals when they have the opportunity. Their diet is based primarily on resources readily available in their environment.

Curiosities about bear feeding

Here are some interesting facts about bear feeding:

  • The polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are the only bears that feed almost exclusively on meat, especially seals.
  • Panda bears (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) have a diet specialized in bamboo, of which they consume large quantities daily.
  • The black bears (Ursus americanus) are experts at climbing trees to obtain food, especially fruits and nuts.
  • Some bears, such as the brown bear, can eat large quantities of fruit in a short time, consuming up to 200,000 fruits in a single day.
  • Grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) are known for their ability to catch salmon during salmon migrations.

Are bears carnivores? Do they deliberately attack humans when they are hungry?

Although bears are classified as omnivores, it is important to mention that some species tend to have more carnivorous diets than others, such as the polar bear. However, in general, bears have a fairly varied diet that includes both animal and plant foods.

Regarding the relationship between bears and humans, bear attacks on people are rare and they usually occur under specific circumstances. Bears usually avoid humans and only attack when they feel threatened, provoked or if they are trying to protect their young. It is rare for a bear to attack a human being due to hunger, although it can happen in extreme cases.


Bears are incredible animals with varied eating habits adapted to their respective habitats. Their omnivorous diet allows them to take advantage of a wide range of food resources, which gives them a great capacity to adapt to different environments. Knowing what bears eat and how they behave in nature helps us better understand these fascinating mammals. and to take measures for its conservation.

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