How to make starch chips: step-by-step guide, tips and tricks

How to make starch chips

If you are a lover of Latin American cuisine, you have surely heard of delicious starch chips. These cheese balls, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, are a real temptation for the palate.

In this article, we will teach you everything you need to know about how to make authentic starch chips. From its origin and traditional recipe to tips to give them a touch of extra flavor.

Get ready to discover the charm of these culinary delights and surprise everyone with your cooking skills!

What are starch chips?

Starch chips are small cheese bread balls that are made from cassava starch. (also known as cassava or tapioca)cheese, eggs and other ingredients.

They are a typical product of the gastronomy of Paraguay and some regions of Argentina and Brazil. These delicacies are very popular for breakfast, snacks or as an accompaniment to meals.

Origin of starch chips

Starch chips have their roots in Guarani cuisine, which developed in the region of Paraguay and parts of Brazil and Argentina.

Cassava, which is the main source of starch for the preparation of chipas, It has been an important crop in the region for centuries.

Over time, other ingredients were added, such as cheese, which enriched the flavor and texture of these delicacies.

How to make starch chips: the original recipe

The traditional recipe for starch chips is quite simple and requires few ingredients. Here you have the necessary elements to make your own chips:

  • 500 grams of cassava starch
  • 200 grams of grated cheese (preferably Paraguay cheese or Gruyere type cheese)
  • 100 grams of lard (or butter) at room temperature
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt to taste

Flavor and texture of starch chips

Starch chips are characterized by having a crunchy texture on the outside and a soft, spongy texture on the inside. The flavor is slightly salty and the taste of the cheese used in its preparation stands out.

The combination of cassava and cheese creates a perfect balance between salty and sweet, making chipas a true delight to enjoy at any time of the day.

Alternatives and ways to give more flavor to starch chips

If you want to add a touch of extra flavor to your starch chips, you can experiment with different ingredients. Here we present some alternatives:

Herbs and spices: Add fresh herbs such as parsley, cilantro or basil, or spices such as cumin or sweet paprika to the chipa dough. These flavor combinations are perfect to give an aromatic and tasty touch to your chips.

Chiles or chili peppers: If you like spicy, you can add finely chopped chiles or chili peppers to give a touch of warmth and spiciness to your chipas. You can adjust the amount according to your tolerance for spiciness.

Pancetta or bacon: Adding pancetta or bacon chopped into small pieces to the chipa dough will give it an irresistible smoky and salty flavor. Make sure to pre-cook the bacon to crisp it up and then mix it with the other ingredients.

Olives: If you love olives, you can chop a few and add them to the chipas dough. They will give it a unique flavor and a juicy texture that will perfectly complement the cheese.

Various cheeses: If you want to play with cheese flavors, you can combine different types of grated cheeses in the recipe. Cheddar cheese, blue cheese, or goat cheese are delicious options to experiment with.

Remember that these are just some ideas to give your starch chips more flavor. Feel free to explore with your favorite ingredients and create unique combinations that suit your personal tastes.

Step-by-step guide to making starch chips

Below, we present a step-by-step guide so you can make your own starch chips:

1- In a large container, Place the cassava starch and the grated cheese. Mix these dry ingredients well.

2- Add the butter at room temperature and mix again until you obtain a sandy consistency.

3- Add the eggs and mix with your hands or a wooden spoon until a homogeneous dough is formed. The dough should be soft and easy to handle. If necessary, add a little more starch or cheese to adjust the consistency.

4- Add salt to taste and knead again to evenly distribute the salt in the dough.

5- Form balls the size of a walnut with the dough and place them on a previously greased baking tray or lined with baking paper.

6- Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the chips for approximately 20-25 minutes, or until golden on the outside.

7- Once they are ready, remove them from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes before serving.

And ready! Now you can enjoy your homemade starch chips. They are ideal to serve as an appetizer, side dish or even as on-the-go snacks.

How to make starch chips: tips and recommendations

It is important to use good quality cassava starch to obtain the desired result. You can find it in stores specialized in Latin American products or online.

Be sure to finely grate the cheese so that it is evenly distributed throughout the dough and melts properly during baking.

If the dough is very dry and you cannot form the balls, you can add a little more egg or a tablespoon of milk to moisten it slightly.

If you want your chips to have a more golden and crispy appearance on the outside, you can brush them with beaten egg before baking.

If you don’t have time to bake all the chips at once, you can refrigerate the dough in a well-covered container and bake them in different batches whenever you want. The dough will keep in the refrigerator for a day or two.

Curiosities about starch chips

Starch chips are considered one of the culinary icons of Paraguay. They are widely consumed and can be found in bakeries, markets and traditional events throughout the country.

Chipas are usually a key element in the Paraguayan breakfast, along with mate or tereré (typical infusions).

In Paraguay, there is the «National Chipa Day«, which is celebrated on June 10. During this day, festivals and competitions are held in honor of this culinary delight.

Chipas are also popular in some regions of Argentina and Brazil, where local variations of this recipe can be found.

Mistakes to avoid when making starch chips

Avoid using low quality cassava starch, as this can affect the texture and flavor of your chips. Opt for well-known brands or look for fresh, good quality starch.

Do not exceed the amount of salt in the recipe, since cheese also adds saltiness. Taste the dough before baking and adjust the salt if necessary.

Do not bake the chips at too high a temperature, as they can brown too quickly on the outside and remain raw on the inside. The oven at 180°C is the ideal temperature to achieve uniform cooking.

Let’s eat and enjoy!

In conclusion, starch chips are a culinary delight with roots in the Guaraní tradition. With this complete guide, tips and recommendations, you will be ready to make your own starch chips and enjoy their unique flavor.

Experiment with different flavors and Enjoy these cheese balls in your breakfasts, snacks or as a delicious snack.

Surprise your loved ones with these little gems of Latin American cuisine!

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