How to know if registering someone in my house is harmful to me

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It hurts me to register someone in my house

If you have a large house and have just welcomed a friend, family member, or new tenant, you may be wondering, “Will it hurt me to register someone in my house?” In this post we will try to answer this question, offering you all the information related to this interesting topic that interests many homeowners in Spain.

The practice of register someone in your house It is common in many everyday situations. It can be a kind gesture toward a friend who needs an address for an administrative procedure, a way to help a family member in difficulty, or simply a show of hospitality.

However, what is often overlooked are the legal and tax implications that this decision can entail. Is it harmful for you to register someone in your house? Through this post, we are going to explore this topic in depth so that you can make an informed and safe decision.

What does it mean to register?

Concept and Obligations

The census It is a legal process that involves the registration of a person in the municipal registry of a municipality.

This register is a list maintained by the city council, where the inhabitants of the town register.

Registration provides official proof of residence and is needed for a series of procedures, such as enrolling in an educational center, applying for health services, and obtaining identity documents.

Rights and Duties of Registration

Registration grants a series of Rights and duties to the person who registers. On the one hand, the registered person has the right to access local public services such as health centers, schools and social programs.

On the other hand, the registered person also has the obligation to comply with certain local regulations, from those related to waste collection to traffic and parking regulations.

You may be interested in our guide on how to unregister someone.

What are the consequences of registering someone in your home?

Tax Implications

When you decide to register someone in your home, it is crucial to take into account the tax implications what it can entail.

In some situations, if the person you register lives permanently in your home and does not pay rent, you may have to report this as a benefit in kind on your tax return.

This could increase your taxable income and, consequently, the amount you must pay in taxes.

Effects on the Real Estate Tax (IBI)

Registration can also have an impact on the Real Estate Tax (IBI). If the person you register has their own home and decides to register in your home, it is possible that you can request a reduction of the IBI of your property.

However, this is not a universal rule and depends on local tax ordinances, so we recommend that you inform yourself appropriately at your town hall.

Legal Responsibilities

In addition to the tax implications, there are legal responsibilities associated with registering someone in your home.

If the person you register commits a crime or administrative offense, it is possible that you will be considered an accomplice or accessory if it is proven that you were aware of their actions and did not report them to the authorities.

Therefore, it is important that you fully trust the person you are going to register.

When might it be beneficial to register someone in your home?

In some cases, registering someone in your home could be beneficial.

For example, if you have a family member who needs to access social services and does not have a stable residence address, registering them at your home could be the solution so that they can access these services.

However, it is essential that you are fully informed of the legal and tax implications before making a decision of this magnitude.


The act of registering someone in your home is a decision that should not be taken lightly due to its potential implications.

Although it can be a gesture of solidarity and support in certain circumstances, It is vital to take into account the tax and legal consequences that it may entail.

Before making any decision, we recommend that you seek legal and tax advice to evaluate all possible scenarios. Finally, remember that The decision to register someone in your household should be based on a careful analysis of the benefits and possible drawbacks.

Frequently asked questions about registration

Where is registration carried out?

Registration is carried out at the Town Hall of the municipality where you reside. Some municipalities also offer the possibility of completing the procedure online through their website, although this may vary depending on the characteristics of each location. In any case, we recommend that you consult directly with your City Council to obtain more precise information.

How much does the registration process cost?

The registration process itself is free. There is no fee charged for registering in the municipal registry of a municipality. However, you may have to provide certain documents that could have a cost, such as a rental contract or a property deed, although this depends on the specific regulations of each municipality.

How long does registration take?

Once you have registered in a municipality, you remain on the registry until you decide to change your official residence. There is no time limit or expiration date for registration. However, it is important to update your registration address as soon as you move to another location.

How is the registration changed?

To change your registration, you must make a new registration at the Town Hall of the municipality to which you have moved. You will have to provide the same documents that were requested for your initial registration. In many cases, when you register in a new municipality, you will automatically be deregistered from the previous municipality. However, we recommend that you confirm this with both councils to avoid any problems.

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