Home remedy for cloudy pool water: do this to clarify it without chemicals

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Home remedy cloudy pool water

The enjoyment of a pool at home can be hindered by the inconvenience of encountering cloudy water. This problem can be caused by several factors, such as a chemical imbalance, the presence of algae, insufficient filtration, among others.

However, it is possible to solve it with home remedies efficient and economical that restore water clarity. In this article, we will explain how to apply these home remedies and how to prevent cloudy water in your pool.

Why does pool water become cloudy?

chemical imbalance

He chemical imbalance It is one of the most common causes of water turbidity. Incorrect pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels can cause water to become cloudy. A low pH (see our guide on how to raise the pH in the pool) can cause corrosion of the metal components of the pool and irritation of the skin and eyes of bathers.

On the other hand, a high pH (read how to lower the pH of the pool) can cause scaling on pool walls and floors and reduce the effectiveness of chlorine. Additionally, low levels of chlorine can lead to the growth of algae and bacteria. Likewise, alkalinity is essential to maintain a stable pH. Therefore, it is vital to perform frequent checkups to ensure proper chemical balance.

Presence of algae

The presence of algae in the pool it can turn the water into a cloudy green soup. These algae usually appear when the pool has not been properly maintained.

Algae spores can be carried by the wind or introduced into the water by bathers and if conditions are right, such as the presence of sunlight and a low chlorine level they can reproduce quickly.

In addition to producing cloudy water, algae can clog pool filters and make surfaces slippery.

Insufficient filtration

A insufficient filtration can cause dirt and debris particles to not be properly removed from the water, resulting in a cloudy appearance. Pool filtration systems are essential for keeping the water clean and clear, as they remove impurities and suspended particles.

Poor filtration It may be the result of an undersized filter, underpowered circulation pump, or insufficient filtering time.

Home remedies for cloudy pool water

White vinegar

He White vinegar It is an excellent home remedy for cloudy pool water. Adding a ratio of one gallon of vinegar to every 10,000 gallons of water can help remove impurities and clarify the water.

This is an especially useful remedy for treating calcium and mineral problems in water. White vinegar has the ability to break down minerals and remove calcium buildup, which can result in clearer water.

Sodium bicarbonate

He sodium bicarbonate It is another effective home remedy. Helps balance the pH of the water, preventing the formation of algae and clarifying the water. It can be used to increase the total alkalinity of water without significantly affecting the pH. One tablespoon of baking soda per 10,000 gallons of water increases total alkalinity by about 10 ppm.

Chlorine dioxide

He chlorine dioxide is a powerful and safe shock solution for treating cloudy water. Although it is not strictly a home remedy, it is easy to find and apply. This compound is effective in eliminating algae and bacteria, in addition to oxidizing the organic matter present in the water, thus contributing to its clarity.

How to prevent cloudy water in the pool

Maintain the chemical balance of the water

It’s crucial maintain the chemical balance of water to prevent turbidity. Regularly test pH, alkalinity and chlorine levels. Ideally, the pH should be maintained between 7.2 and 7.6, the total alkalinity between 80 and 120 ppm, and the chlorine level between 1 and 3 ppm. Use quality test kits to get accurate results.

Clean the pool regularly

The regular cleaning of the pool helps prevent algae buildup and water cloudiness. Vacuum the pool floor and walls, clean the skimmers, and use a net to remove floating debris. It is also important to keep your pool filter clean, as a dirty filter can reduce filtration efficiency.

Ensures proper filtration

It is important ensure adequate filtration to remove dirt particles and prevent the water from becoming cloudy. Depending on the size and load of the pool, it is advisable that all the water pass through the filter at least once a day.

If the water remains cloudy despite adequate filtration, it may be necessary to check the filtration system and consider switching to a more efficient system.


Although having a pool at home can be a great advantage, especially in the summer months, Maintaining it can present some challenges..

However, with the home remedies and preventive tips we have discussed in this article, you can ensure that your pool is always in the best condition, and enjoy crystal clear water.

Maintain the chemical balance of the water, clean your pool regularly and ensure proper filtration, and you will be well on your way. to avoid the problem of cloudy water in your pool.

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