We teach you how to make exquisite churros in an air fryer


Churros in air fryer

If you are passionate about sweets and want to know how to prepare churros in an air fryer, here we will explain in detail all the steps to follow.

Churros are a classic and beloved dessert in Spain, traditionally fried in plenty of hot oil. But there is a healthier and easier alternative: prepare churros in an air fryer. In this article, we will explore how to properly prepare and cook churros in an air fryer, from choosing the variety to tips and tricks for a flawless result.

We all like churros!

The preparation of churros in air fryer has recently gained popularity as a healthier and more modern option to enjoy this delicious traditional Spanish dessert.

The air fryer, unlike conventional frying, uses hot air that circulates around the food to cook it, significantly reducing the amount of oil needed.

This not only provides a healthier alternative, but It also preserves the flavor and crunchy texture of traditional churros.. If you’re worried about calories or just looking for a new and exciting way to prepare this classic, air fryer churros may be your perfect solution.

Churros Variety Selection


The choice of ingredients is crucial to obtain perfect churros in the air fryer. You will need plain wheat flour, water at room temperature, a pinch of salt and a small amount of oil to grease the fryer and give it that characteristic touch.

For the final touch, The sugar for sprinkling will be the perfect complement. The proportion of the ingredients is vital; a dough that is too wet or dry can affect the final texture. Look for a proven recipe and follow the measurements carefully to ensure success.

Choosing the Air Fryer

Choosing a good quality air fryer is as important as the ingredients. Look for a fryer with enough power (at least 1500 watts) and capacity for the amount of churros you want to prepare.

The power will ensure even cooking, while the capacity will allow you to cook a reasonable amount without overloading the machine. Reading reviews and comparing models can help you make the right decision.

Preparation of the dough

Mix the ingredients

The mixture of flour, water, salt and a little oil should be uniform and without lumps. You can use a mixer or mix manually with a wooden spoon. The consistency should be soft but firm; if it is too liquid, the churros will lose their shape, and if it is too thick, they will be very dense. Experience and patience are key at this stage.

Put the Dough in a Pastry Bag

To shape the churros, you will need a pastry bag with a star-shaped nozzle. If you don’t have one, even a sturdy plastic bag with a corner cut off can work. Star-shaped nozzle helps create characteristic groovess that allow uniform cooking. It is vital that the dough is handled gently to maintain its shape.

Cooking Churros in an Air Fryer

Prepare the Fryer

Prepare the air fryer according to the manufacturer’s instructions and preheat it to 180°C. Preheating is essential so that the churros begin cooking immediately upon entering the fryer, ensuring a crispy texture.

Power and Time

The cooking of churros in air fryer It usually takes between 6 and 10 minutes, but this time may vary depending on the fryer and the size of the churros. Monitor the churros during cooking to make sure they are golden brown and crispy. Patience is key here; removing them too early or late can affect quality.

Errors to Avoid

Do not overload the fryer, as this can lead to uneven cooking and soft churros. Also, don’t use too much oil. A light coat will be enough. Using more than necessary will not improve the flavor and may affect the texture.

Tricks and tips

Shaking the churros halfway through cooking will help them cook evenly and give them that perfect golden color. Sprinkle with sugar immediately after removing them from the fryer so that it adheres well, giving that sweet touch that makes them a delight. Experimenting with different flavors, like cinnamon or vanilla, can take your air fryer churros to the next level.


Preparing churros in an air fryer It is an excellent alternative to traditional frying. By following these steps, tricks and tips, you can enjoy delicious and healthier churros without sacrificing flavor.

Experiment with the power and time of your air fryer to find the perfect texture and enjoy this delicious Spanish tradition of a modern and convenient way.

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