How to make picarones at home respecting the original recipe

How to make picarones

The picarones, They are a delicious traditional dessert originating from Peru, which is characterized by its sweet flavor and spongy texture.

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about this delicious dish, including its history, origin, nutritional characteristics and, of course, how to prepare them step by step. Let us begin!

What are picarones?

Picarones are a typical Peruvian dessert that consists of Fried donuts made with a dough based on wheat flour, squash (pumpkin) and sweet potato (sweet potato), as well as other ingredients such as yeast, sugar and spices.

These donuts are fried in hot oil until they turn golden brown and are served hot, accompanied by a sweet chancaca or cane honey sauce.

History and origin of picarones

The origin of picarones dates back to colonial times in Peru, when African slaves introduced the recipe for a similar dessert called “buñuelos.”

Over time, the ingredients and preparation technique were adapted to local products and Peruvian culinary traditions, giving rise to the picarones that we know today.

Nutritional characteristics of picarones

Although picarones are a sweet and fried dessert, they also provide some nutrients thanks to their main ingredients.

Pumpkin and sweet potato are rich in vitamins like A and C, as well as in minerals such as potassium and magnesium.

In addition, wheat flour provides carbohydrates and some proteins. However, it is important to note that, being a fried dessert, picarones also have a significant fat and calorie content.

How to make picarones step by step

Below, we offer you a simple recipe To prepare homemade picarones:


  • 250 g wheat flour
  • 200 g cooked and ground pumpkin
  • 200 g cooked and ground sweet potato
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon anise grain
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Oil for frying

For the chancaca sauce:

  • 200 g of chancaca or panela
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 cloves
  • Orange peel


In a large bowl, mix the wheat flour, ground pumpkin and sweet potato, yeast, sugar, anise, cinnamon powder and salt. Knead all the ingredients well until you obtain a homogeneous and elastic dough. Let it rest for approximately 1 hour, covered with a damp cloth.

Meanwhile, prepare the chancaca sauce. In a pot, place the chancaca or panela, water, cinnamon stick, cloves and orange peel. Bring to medium heat and cook until the chancaca dissolves and the sauce thickens slightly. Booking.

Heat the oil in a deep skillet over medium heat. When the oil is hot, take small portions of dough with wet hands and form rings, making a hole in the center with your fingers. Fry the picarones in the hot oil, turning them so that they brown evenly. When they are golden brown, remove them from the oil and place them on absorbent paper to remove excess fat.

Serve the picarones hot, bathed with chancaca sauce.

Culinary tricks and secrets for perfect picarones

To get delicious and fluffy picarones, follow these tips and tricks:

Use well-cooked pumpkin and sweet potato and ground so that the dough is soft and elastic.

Make sure the yeast is active and fresh, since it is essential for the picarones to rise and have a spongy texture.

Control the temperature of the oil when frying the picarones. If it’s too hot, they will brown quickly on the outside but will be raw on the inside. If it is too cold, they will absorb too much fat and they will be oily.


Picarones are a traditional Peruvian dessert that stands out for its unique flavor and texture.

Now that you know their history, nutritional characteristics and how to prepare them step by step, do not hesitate to try this delicious recipe at home and Enjoy some exquisite homemade picarones.

Remember to follow our tips and tricks to get the best results and surprise your guests with this delicious dessert. Enjoy!

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